Basic Decorator
- Decorator in general all all about classes.
- Decorator runs when JS finds class definition.
- not when it is instantiate it.
- could remove that code for instantiating the class and would still get death
function Logger(constructor: Function) {
class Person {
name = "dahye";
consturctor() {
console.log("creating person");
const person = new Person();
Decorator Factory
- Using decorator factories can give more power and more possibilities of configuring what the decorator intentionally
* @param logString
* @returns
function Logger(logString: string) {
//return a new anonymous function take that constructor arg
// excute this outer function and we attach the return value,
return function (constructor: Function) {
console.log(logString); //LOGGING - PERSON
class Person {
name = "dahye";
consturctor() {
console.log("creating person");
const person = new Person();
Documentation - Decorators